Open Meaningful Dialogue
The Art Papers Program aims to open up meaningful dialogue between artists, scientists, technologists, and industry leaders. The program showcases work that addresses all digital arts modalities, and particularly embraces work that creates and articulates connections with participants in the various SIGGRAPH communities and events, including Technical Papers, Art Gallery, Computer Animation Festival, Emerging Technologies, and the Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality Program.
SIGGRAPH 2018 is allowing for shorter papers than in previous years, which will enable us to include more work than ever before. Additionally, for the first time, we will introduce sessions that integrate the Art Gallery artist talks with the Art Papers talks, promoting richer connections between these creative communities.
Finally, to highlight the 50th anniversary of Leonardo, The Journal of the International Society of the Arts, Sciences and Technology (MIT Press), we will honor the innovations and accomplishments of pioneering media artists, researchers, and art historians, while encouraging new works that acknowledge and extend their ideas.
Art Papers are submitted in one of four categories (project description, theory/criticism, methods, or history) and selected by an international jury of scholars, artists, and developers of immersive technologies. Papers are published in a special issue of Leonardo, The Journal of the International Society of the Arts, Sciences and Technology (MIT Press), the publication of which coincides with SIGGRAPH 2018. This marks the 10th year of collaboration between SIGGRAPH and Leonardo, The Journal of the International Society of the Arts, Sciences and Technology (MIT Press).